
First Share Information - June 8th, 2010


Good morning Hellgate CSA Members,

The first distribution for those of you with VEGETABLE SHARES is tomorrow, June 8th, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.
There will be cookies and lemonade served in the back and some core members will be there to meet and greet you.

A few notes:
- Bring bags for your veggies. If you have extra plastic bags, please bring them to donate to others who may need them. There will be a spot at the front of the line for the extra plastic bags.

Meet the Farmer Event - May 25th

Hello all! The season is starting up very soon and our farmer, Bill Halsey, is coming for a visit. Please come meet him and ask questions and also meet other members.

We plan to have this at the distribution point, Fresh Start in the back, but if weather allows, we may change to the Beer Garden. Look for an email on the weekend confirming the location. Here are the details:

Meet the Farmer

6PM to 7PM ish, May 25th
Beer Garden @ 24th Avenue

Hope to see you all there!

Western Queens Food Co-op

Hellgate CSA has received an invitation to several events for the Western Queens Food Co-op project. Please see below and try to join if you are interested in this endeavor. Additionally, the committee has a page on Facebook so become a fan and find out more ways to become involved.
Dear Hellgate CSA Members,
