
Pea, Feta and Mint Salad


Pea, Feta and Mint Salad
- adapted from _Earth to Table_

- 1 cup shucked peas
- 1tbsp. olive oil
- 1/2 tbsp. red wine vinegar
- 1/2 tbsp. local honey
- 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
- 1 radish
- 1/2 medium onion (green, red, etc.)
- 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves chopped
- 2 tbsp. crumbled feta
- 1 cup curly cress or lettuce

Blanch peas in a medium pot of boiling salted water until tender and bright green (1-2 minutes). Immediately drain and rinse with cold water to stop cooking process.

Using Your Share - June Edition


Every week we receive wonderful farm fresh foods and then have to figure out how to use them all before the next week when more wonderful farm fresh foods arrive. Sometimes it is just a challenge to figure out what the item IS, let alone how to eat it all before it goes bad or you are inundated with more yummy food.

Share Information - June 22, 2010

This week is the first week of the fruit and herb shares as well as veggie shares. Please keep in mind this will mean more produce and more people in the same space so be prepared for a little line, bring bags and enjoy the awesome fresh food this week!

Vegetable Share
- lettuce
- mustard greens
- curly cress
- lavender
- swiss chard
- sugar snap peas

Fruit Share
- Apples
- Cherries

Herb Share
- sage
- dill

Share Information - June 15th, 2010

Happy Monday Everyone!

Those of you with Fruit and Herb shares, next week is the first distribution.

For those of you with Veggie shares, here is tomorrow's share menu:

- Strawberries
- Lettuce
- dried black beans
- cilantro
- asparagus

Don't forget bags and please take a look at your schedule this month as we
still need volunteers for many slots!

Happy eating!

Lewis Waite Newsletter and Order Reminder

Don’t forget, Order Deadline is Thursday, June 10th for the Tuesday, June 15th Delivery!

Farm Notes from Nancy

The finalized CSA schedule is finally done for all the groups! This always feels like a monumental task when we begin and once the routes are sketched out, it all falls into place. If you have not already received and email showing your schedule, be on the lookout for this today.

Jerusalem Artichoke Fritters



This week I was intrigued by the inclusion of jerusalem artichokes in our initial season share (I thought for sure we'd get radishes!).  I didn't want to eat them raw, nor did I want to roast them, so I searched the internet for something interesting and tasty-sounding.  I found that in these jerusalem artichoke fritters, which I prepared last night.  

I loved them!  The combination of the jerusalem artichokes, carrots, and shallots is lovely, and the chive-lime sour cream is wonderful.  They are easy to put together and take only about a half hour, start to finish, to make.
