What to do with Mizuna?

I really enjoy mizuna, sometimes called Japanese mustard greens. You could chop it up and add it to your salad, but it doesn't take much to turn the raw green into a nice, hot side dish. I like this reci

1 bunch mizuna, about 10 ounces

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil

1 teaspoon fish sauce (or ponzu)

1/4 lemon, fresh

salt to taste, about 1/4 teaspoon

freshly ground pepper


1. Wash and drain mizuna. Roughly chop into 1-inch segments and set aside.


2. Heat a shallow pan or a wok on high. Add the two tablespoons of oil.


3. Add the crushed garlic and stir around for 5 seconds.


4. Add the greens to the wok or pan and saute for 1 minute, stir constantly. The mizuna should be softened but still crisp. Add the fish sauce and salt and stir to combine. Garnish with a squeeze of lemon and freshly ground pepper. 

If you don't like/don't have/can't have fish sauce, I substitute with ponzu sauce to change it up every so often.