Share Menu - September 25, 2012


Hello members,
Vegetable Share
- mizuna (a salad green)
- mini tomatoes (one pint)
- romano beans (Italian flat string bean)
- summer squash
- sorrel (a salad green and herb. Compliments chicken and fish.)
- carrots
Lewis Waite Farms is delivering this week so if you have placed an order with them, please pick up your order during our normal distribution time tomorrow evening.
Please remember to bring your own bags and that distribution is 5:30 to 7:30 on Tuesdays. Please be advised that as part of your membership, you are responsible for checking communications and your account as to whether or not you have something to pick-up on any given week. This is a volunteer run organization and so we rely on members to be responsible for picking up their shares week-to-week, as well as keeping track of what they have purchased. You can see your orders from Hellgate CSA when you sign on to and click on "your acount" under "member resources" on the right hand side of the page (You must sign in first). Further, Lewis Waite sends an email the evening prior to your pick-up date with a summary of your order.
Thank you all and happy eating!