Notes from Green Thumb Farm

Summer has begun and strawberry season is here! After 2 weeks of picking the rains have begun and strawberries have begun to suffer. Spotted ones and many more unpickable berries are appearing. Without the use of fungicides - which conventional farmers are now using to fight the wet weather - our organic berries do not last as long. Strawberries are one of the foods listed containing the most pesticides - so enjoy those organic berries while they last!

Looking forward to our squash, beets and onions as they will be along soon. Peas are doing very well - snow peas, snap peas and even some shelling peas are all being harvested now and will be in for several weeks more. Lettuces and many herbs are still abundant and radicchio will also soon make its "spring" appearance. Fennel, radishes and Swiss chard will also be here soon.

Between showers this week, we have managed to plant our cranberry, lima and soy beans, as well as more string beans and summer squash for the August harvest. Eggplant and peppers are in the ground and are also growing well; expect these in late July!

Organically yours,
Farmer Bill