Red Basil

Red Basil leaves actually are a deep purple color and have a stronger, spicier flavor than regular green basil leaves. Some notes I've read suggest a hint of clove to the flavor and that a traditional basil pesto recipe may not be the best use of this herb. Basil butter is mentioned a lot as an interesting use for this basil variety. Basil butter can be kept in small containers in your freezer for future use throughout the fall. Try the red basil butter and some fresh chopped cilantro and shallot over steamed mussels or shrimp.  Additionally, a simple saute of chopped eggplant and or summer squash, sweet pepper, mini tomatoes, mizuna and red basil would make a lovely side dish or main course tossed with your favorite pasta.

Red Basil Butter

- 1 cup finely chopped red basil
- 2/3 cup softened butter

Mix together. Adjust mixture to taste. The endless variety of optional additions include chopped fresh red chiles, ground cinnamon, garlic, shallot and cilantro.